Hello dear ones,
Today on this day of Thanksgiving, I’m bringing to mind my past holidays I’ve been grateful to celebrate with family and friends. Reminiscing when a child at my grandparents’ house – the abundance of food, the homemade gravy and mashed potatoes, the turkey and all that goes with my family’s traditional meal that carries on to this day with some variations.
While my husband and I lived in Canada for about nine years, we didn’t have family nearby. And on that Thursday in November, that holiday didn’t exist. Canadians were going about their normal business. Their thanksgiving celebration was set in October. To celebrate the U.S. holiday from afar, we would invite dear friends who were in their retirement years to join us, as others were working.
One special Thanksgiving, we celebrated with friends, Pastor Bart and his wife, Lynne, at their home in Souris, PEI. We had all ministered in the “Manor Sing” at the nearby nursing home. It was our custom to go there every other Thursday to help with that ministry – me as pianist and my husband helping Bart with the half-hour-long song service to the residents that were able and willing to attend.
Afterwards, we’d enjoy a delicious lunch prepared by Lynne and spend a wonderful time of fellowship in their cozy home before driving the hour and twenty-minutes back to our house. That year, since the Manor Sing landed on American Thanksgiving Day, Lynne had provided a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for us Americans with all the trimmings. That included a special “game” with corn kernels remembering the Pilgrims landing in Massachusetts (which is my home state) and each of us sharing what we were thankful for.

I know there are many who may be reading this that are not able to celebrate today due to the lack of family or friends, or are going through various and troublesome situations or grave health issues. I pray for you now. I pray that the LORD will grant you mercy and strength. That you will depend on Him to carry you through the fire.
If you are not a child of His. If you haven’t prayed to the LORD for salvation – this is the time. This is the perfect day to do it. Message me if you need help. If today’s world crisis situations are overwhelming your soul – the LORD is waiting for you to call on Him. Yes, it is scary at times, but I know HE is in control and that’s all I need. That’s all you need! Come to Him today, and be thankful you are a child of God.
Have a blessed day wherever you are! Happy Thanksgiving!
