Today, I'm sharing the craftsmanship of little hands and creative minds!
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Instructing our children in the ways of the LORD is the most important thing we can do for them. Teaching them practical, life-skills in the arts is also necessary. Their minds are busy. They are naturally inquisitive. And fulfilling their desires to create things with their hands is wonderful.
This past summer, my husband and I have had the privilege of enjoying a new friendship with a young family and their darling children. It’s like the LORD gave us another set of similar gorgeous grandchildren to dote on! We are now adoptive grandparents of these dear little ones.
In the past two months, I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to teach sewing skills to one of them. My daughter didn’t quite embrace the love of sewing but I do look forward to the time when I can introduce my own granddaughters to the wonderful world of sewing.
Today, the photos are from this week’s sewing lesson. When we first started, my student already had some experience with cross-stitching, hand-stitching, and crocheting taught by her grandmothers. Her desire to learn sewing skills was a joy to see!
Our first session involved hand stitching – straight stitch, basting stitch, back stitch, and sewing buttons on felt fabric.
We next progressed to using my special sewing machine – my 1948 Singer Featherweight 221. It’s a great size for a child to use! Using pieces of felt, we created little “felt purses” small enough to hold jewelry, calling cards, or whatever. These “felt purses” are the ones I use to package (gift-wrap) the jewelry I sell in my Etsy shop (here).
Her felt purse is shown at the end. She made several for her family members, including her dad. 😊 On her own, she has also sewn a button on her dress and on her father’s shirt!
She's seen how my vintage sewing machine works, how the buttonhole attachment operates, how to thread the machine and how to fill the bobbin with thread. All the time, she was the one who controlled the foot pedal!
Next, we made zippered pouches that are the perfect size for makeup or hair bows, crayons, and pencils, or what have you. Zoom in on the button she sewed on the pouch (end of post) to see a special decorative twist on sewing buttons using French knots! Can you tell what the stitching looks like?
She was very adept at using a pair of scissors and skillfully pinned and cut out the simple rectangle pattern to make the zippered pouches. She made a purple floral one for herself and this one was for her younger sister.

The pleasant and constant conversation between us didn’t hamper progress! She patiently pinned the zipper on, stitched it on the machine under my guidance, backstitched at the beginning and end of the seams, removed the fabric out from under the needle (expertly turning the wheel to loosen the threads), clipped off the threads, stitched the side seams, turned the pouch right-side out and neatened the corners!

I know both of us have enjoyed our sewing sessions immensely and look forward to when we can continue them at a future date.

“Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands.” I Thessalonians 4:11
No matter where the LORD takes them, a child’s gifts and talents can be used for Him, in ministries great and small, as they grow and mature into “vessels for the Master’s use.”
Have a great Sunday worshipping the LORD!
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