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How Gorgeous Fabric Can Be Turned into Beautiful Bags

Hello everyone!

Yes, it's me! I'm still here and I know I haven't posted about my craft in a number of weeks or shown you what's been going on behind the pages of this blog. Some projects take more time to accomplish as I have to work around my aches and pains.

Two things - ONE: I've been getting ready for a road trip to Kansas next week to spend time with my daughter and her family - I get to hug my grandchildren and the newest one who will be turning a year old next week! After I spend a week and a half with them I'll head to Indiana to visit with my niece and her family for a couple of days before I drive home.

The biggest project for my road trip was to make three flannel blankets for the three oldest grandkids (per my daughter's request), similar to the one I made for the wee one this past Christmas. You can see that post here if you missed it.

TWO: My brain has been working hard to create new bags for my Etsy shop! It takes time for my brain cells to work out the details - what beautiful fabrics to use, what style of bags to make, etc. I want to make sure I'm making something worthy for customers to ooh and aah over! And then purchase, right?

And then I stitched and sewed and pounded the rivets to make a gorgeous bag for myself. That beautiful bag is the prototype for a new collection in my shop! I'm loving it! And it's very useful, too. :-) Wait till you see what adorns the bag! I searched Etsy shops to find the perfect adornment. No one else will have a bag to match mine - at least not in what I add to make it stunning!

Before we get to the new fabric bags, here is a photo of the three flannel blankets with coordinating pillowcases for the three older grandchildren - two girls and a boy. If you want to see the one I made (with more photos) for baby Charlotte for Christmas, and the accompanying doll, you can see that post here. I did mention that earlier. ;-) I apologize that you can't see the blankets opened up. I didn't feel like untying them again and tying them up again after taking photos. Sorry!

My oldest granddaughter, Olivia, chose the fabric with the roses on one side and the turquoise horse print on the other side (shown on the left with the large polka dots). Lillian wanted unicorns (the dark grey flannel you can see on the pillowcase) and rainbows for the other side. I chose the fabric for five-year-old William. He loves dinosaurs. His blanket is the same on both sides. And the pillowcases match, of course! Even though I don't make blankets to sell in my shop, I attached my Lady Elsie Lee label to the blankets.

I'm very excited about this road trip and spending time with my daughter and family. I'll be bringing my sewing machine with me and teaching the girls sewing by hand, by machine, and an embroidery project! We'll also have time for a tea party or two! for the newest bags that I will be adding to my shop in the near future. Sometime after I get back from my trip, of course!

I will have two new bags. They will be similar in size and shape, but one will be without straps and handles and one will have straps and handles - leather ones, to boot! :-)

Here's one photo of the first foldover clutch I made that will be handle-less. Depending on the type of fabric I use for each, the clutch may have a handmade porcelain button adorning it or it may have some fabulous fancy ribbon trim.

The foldover clutch without handles will be made exactly like the one with handles. Both will have a zippered inside pocket. The one with leather handles will also have a small outside zippered pocket to hold a cell phone or what-have-you. Perhaps I should put an outside zippered pocket on this clutch? What do you think?

Keep reading to see what kind of button I'm talking about! It's SO gorgeous!!

Now for the piece-de-resistance! A foldover clutch with leather handles and a long shoulder strap that's removable! Wait till you see the outer fabric. It's another most favorite of mine now!

I want to tease you, so I'm starting with the inside views first. Here's the inside zippered pocket with my label above. Even the lining is gorgeous, yes?

The opposite side of the inside. These "patch" pockets are just for my prototype. I don't think I'll be adding them to the ones I sell, but you never know - I might include them! What do you think? I would love to have some comments. The patch pocket is for anything small to slip into. The other narrow one is for pens.

An inside view looking down. I also made a stiff, removable bottom piece to give the bag more stability. By the way, the lining and the fabric AND the pockets are all interfaced to provide more body and stiffness. The bag can stand on its own, especially if it's empty. It does not flop over or fall into a fabric puddle. :-)

Here's the stiff removable bottom piece I mentioned.

And when it's inside the bag at the bottom:

Now for the outside and the gorgeous button, I mentioned earlier! Don't you just love the outside fabric?

This photo below shows the back side with the outside zipper pocket that's perfect for holding a cell phone and keys.

The front view when the purse is folded over. Don't you just LOVE that porcelain button? I searched Etsy until I found a young woman in Washington state that makes pottery, including buttons and she made three-inch porcelain buttons in different colors for me!

You can easily carry this bag like a tote with these short leather handles. When I carry it this way, I just pick up the long shoulder strap along with it so it doesn't hang off by itself.


Sorry. I just can't help myself. This fabric is so awesomely beautiful!

Here are a few casual photos I took in my sewing room. The colors seem to be stronger in these photos.

Can you see the bird in the tree among the roses?

And to go back a bit, while my back was turned, and before the straps were added, this is what happened!

My kitty, Callie, loves to sit on my sewing table while I sew. I had my back to her for a couple of minutes while I sat at the other table where my laptop was. I turned around and caught her napping on my new bag!

I think that means she approves of my new foldover clutch tote, don't you think?

I'd love for you all to send me some comments about the foldover clutch and the foldover clutch tote (with leather straps). I just love using my clutch tote!

While I'm away, my shop will still be open for business, but items won't be shipped until after I return. Which means if you purchase an item from Saturday, May 1st through Sunday, May 16th, your order will not ship until Monday, May 17th. You still have time to order something this week. I can ship until Saturday morning, May 1st.

One more change coming up. If you are at all interested in beaded jewelry and Celtic Knot jewelry, now is the time to check out my Etsy shop and purchase them because I will be discontinuing that jewelry soon after I return from my trip. See the beaded necklaces here and the Celtic Knot jewelry here. I may keep the floral brooches for a time. Not sure. See them here.

I am planning on bringing a few bag projects with me to sew while away. If I have some downtime between loving my grandkids and doing nothing! Perhaps at the hotel on my first night on the road, I may have the energy to start stitching a bag for my shop!

I plan to take photos of the sewing lessons with the girls. And will share them with you in my next post.

Until next time, happy stitching or whatever you do in your spare time!


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